Friday, February 25, 2011

Mark and David

When we had Mark he was to be the our last baby and this was not based on the fact that he was a sweet baby with Down Syndrome.  It was simply based on the fact that we only wanted to have 3 kids.

So you can imagine my surprise when I found that I was pregnant with David 3 months after having Mark.  I want to say I was excited, but I wasn't excited in fact I wasn't even happy about this.  I had just had a C-Section with Mark and my body was still hurting and it felt like it was such a slow healing process.  Not only that but I was dealing with a very fragile little baby that had just had heart surgery 2 weeks earlier.

Along with all the emotions that I had going on with being pregnant the biggest thing that kept jumping at me was I am soo jealous for my sweet Mark, he was to be my baby, my last one and I wanted this so badly for him.

But then God talked to me and he said don't fret over this.  Why do you think I allowed you to become pregnant one more time when you where on birth control and had not had cycle yet?  With this comfort I was able to let go and embrace my final pregnancy and I never once worried about David!

Now I look at my last precious bundle and I ask myself  how could I not have been excited about this last miracle that God allowed me to experience?!  Now I see what a sweet little blessing he is espcially how great he is going to be for Mark.

Now David is 5 months old and I think my baby is on the road to becoming a little boy before Markie does.  I try so hard not to compare Mark to his brothers or to others and I am usually pretty good at not comparing him.  But it happened yesterday and it made me a little sad for Mark with the realization that his cognitive skills may not be where I was hoping they were at. 

I put David, in the jumper and the seat spins around to go to all the different stations.  Well David, sat in the jumper and he started spinning himself from each station to get to the different toys.  I have been working with Mark on the jumper and spinning the seat to get to the different toys, but I can't get him to understand this.  He would rather just stretch his arms to the different toys.

But to make myself feel better I just tell myself that my little David is just advanced for his age and that my Mark is just stubborn and doesn't want to spin that seat around.  Whatever it works for me and I do see how much improvement Mark has made.

I am going to have to get use to this I know.  I know that David, is growing quickly and that he will quickly be surpassing Mark in just about everything.  The most important thing that I need to constantly remind myself on is that Mark will accomplish everything and that it will be in his timeframe and not when we want him to do it!!

My Beautiful David how could I not have been excited about being pregnant ?!

Mark and the Bat Mobile

Mark likes to use David as his own personal toy!!

As you can tell David is not upset with how Mark plays with him!!



  1. Oh Kelly! You are so honest in your blogging and I LOVE it. {{{HUGS}}} While Ellie may be an only child, I identify with what you are saying about Mark's cognitive skills not being where you thought they were. It is SO hard not to compare them to other kiddos and it must be even harder when you have dear David and Mark so close in age. I love the picture of Mark on top of David. Hang in there and if you are ever in Austin. . .

  2. Thank you Anna, I love this font I am still tinkering with this whole blogging thing and trying to figure out how to make it attractive like yours and all the others that I look at. I try to be as honest as I can because I hope that if someone should happen to stumble onto my blog that they will feel encouragement and hope like I did. When we first found out about Mark I got as connected as I could on the websites and found a lot of comfort in reading other people's blogs and what they were going through! I hope one day that I will be able to meet all of you awesome women you guys inspire me so much!

  3. Kelly this blog is GREAT! I tried to sign up for it the first day but I had problems with my computer. I finally figured it out and here I am. I just love your boys, they are so... dare I say beautiful. LOL! I just love it when your Mom puts in a praise report how God once again saved them from a catastrophe. I always laugh, because mine have had their moments. When Josh was small I thought he would be the death of me.
    We were at the ER more times than I want to remember. I'm praying for you as you raise your men, all will be well as we know GOD IS IN CONTROL. Can't wait to read more of your life adventures.
