Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This is for my future grandkids to see how BAD their Dad's where

  So today Mark had his EI come in and she has 2 girls and 1 boy that is 1 year old and I was telling her all the things that my boys have done.  I am sure that I had her dreading what kind of stuff her little boy will be into one day. 
 I am sure that there are plenty of other things that Anthony and Peter do that I do not get to witness because they do it without my ever knowing what they have been up to.
 I told her of the time that Daddy was suppose to be watching them and they got into the Shout and sprayed it all over themselves and into their eyes.  I called Poison Control just to find out that I have been wasting my money on Shout, since according to Posion Control Shout is nothing more than just a strong cleaning detergent.
 Then I use to keep my knives on the counter within my reach and they pulled chairs up to my counters and had pulled out every knife and had them layed out on the counter. Talk about scary because I have the great big cleavers, I still can't believe that they were able to pull that knife out since it is so heavy.
 Then one day Peter decided climb my counters and go through all of the cabinets and he pulled out everything from the top shelves. From the top shelves he found "candy" but it happened to by my garbage disposal cleaner.  As I read the label it said that the ball was coated with a sour coating that should cause them to spit it out.  I asked him if he did that, he told me no and said that it was good.  So once again I called Posion Control and was told was once again that I have been wasting money since this to is just a big ball of soap.
 The last memorable thing that they have done in a while is the day when they some how toppled over my stove.

Somehow they came out unscathed!!

    Just a little something for my future grandkids to take a look at and all other parents that think they are having a bad day with their boys!!  Hopefully my boys will make you feel like you have Saints!!


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