I finally broke down and allowed Mark to have his first haircut. It is always so hard for me to let my babies have their first haircut. For some reason to me it is like hitting a big milestone that says they are growing up as their precious baby locks come off. As they are gently put into a bag that will go into my safe so that way I can take it out and look at their precious locks of hair and run the locks of hair through my fingers. My heart slowly breaks ever so slightly that my baby is growing up.
I knew it was finally time for Markie to have his haircut a couple of weeks ago when people would comment as to how beautiful my little girl was. Okay people my boy is wearing boy clothes. Believe me if I had a little girl you would know it because she would be all dolled up with the cute hair bows and all the cute little ruffly outfits.
Markie actually did great with his first haircut it was mommy that was having all the traumatic emotions of my sweet boy having his first haircut. As Nicole was cutting off those precious locks my eyes teared up a little and I kept thinking I only have one more baby to do this with. I am going to make David wait until he is 2 before I touch his head!!
Mark's hair before the cut
Getting reday for the haircut!!
He was such a good boy for the whole 10 minutes that it took Nicole to cut his hair!!
Hooray I am all done Mommy and look I finally look like a boy!!
Markie, you are just darling! I love your new haircut :-)