Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Mother's Heart

 So 16 months ago I prayed a powerful prayer right after having Mark.  Upon learning that they thought that Mark might have Down Syndrome in the hospital I prayed a prayer that God would give me a love so strong and deep that my sweet baby would know that he was loved in case he didn't live long enough to know his mommy and daddy.  Well God answered my prayer and then some.  For now I constantly feel drawn to Reeces Rainbow ( an adoption agency for special little angeles that for whatever reasons the parents don't feel like they can support their special angel God blessed them with.
 I feel like the Holy Spirit draws me to this website that I constantly go to.  As I look at each gorgeous child my heart crys out to God asking him why I can't take each one of these children into my home and give them the love that they so deperately need.  As I pray for each one of  these angeles I pray that God gives them comfort and that they can feel his loving arms wrapping them up until their forever family finally finds them.
 Then it happened one day as I was doing my daily tour through the pictures I fell in love with 2 little angeles.  I feel so drawn to these 2 precious angeles and I must confess that I spend a lot of time in prayer for these 2 little ones that have me.  I beseech God that if it is His Will for Guy and I to claim these 2 angels that he will put us both on the same page for adopting them both.  I know that it can't just be me that wants them but it has to be both of us with the same desire to want them both.
 Right now Guy is steadfast firm in us not adopting for a whole list of reasons.  Right now the only one I agree with is that we do have too many little ones, seeing as to how I still have a newborn and then Mark that still takes up a considerable amount of time with therapy and doctor appointments.  But the other ones of not having enough money to provide for them I don't agree with.  These kids aren't going to care what we can leave them when we pass away.  All any child ever wants to have are 2 loving parents and a whole lot of brothers that will love them to pieces!!
This is Blake I have fallen in love with him!!
 But I leave it all in God's Hands and maybe possibly by following God's direction in writing this blog a few seeds will have been planted.
This is Holly one of the little angeles that I have fallen in love with !!
 There are plenty more little ones just waiting for you to come take a look at them and claim them and make them a part of your family.  Please keep us in your prayers that one day Guy may open up and allow us to claim a sweet baby to love on.

Praying God's Blessings


  1. Kelly, we are in a similar situation. Andrew says we are not in any shape to adopt right now and is concerned every time I end up on RR. I saw this little girl (Stacie) on RR and her eyes looked right into my soul. While we may not be her family, I hope that someone is. Now I want to snuggle with Holly & Blake.

  2. Oh Anna, how I love these 2 little angels, Guy has looked at them a couple of times and comments how much they look like Mark when he was that age. Holly and Blake are all about the same age as Mark and my heart keeps screaming there probably isn't much time left for them before they get put into an institution. Such a test of faith that I have to leave it all in God's hands.
