We went to our last family event with the Army the other day and what a gorgeous day it was to hold a party for the families. This is one of the many things that we are going to miss about being out of the military, is all the family events that they put on for the family and they always have the kids in mind and have plenty of fun things for them to do.
There are plenty of other things that we will miss with the Army especially with the knowing of where that next paycheck is coming. But I guess even that is now up in the air with the possibility of a government shutdown once again. It is a scary thing when you are a one income family and you are hearing once again that our leaders need to work on the budget just to get us through July.
All I can do is leave our situation in God's capable hands. He knows where we are and what we need in a month to be able to live
The Fun House the boys love it even Markie
My Gorgeous boy relaxing in the Fun House he had a hard day of PT.
The end result for their hats, Anthony likes to use all stickers regardless of what is on it!!
There was an Easter Egg Hunt and unfortunately Peter still doesn't understand the concept and just walked to get eggs so he missed out on a lot of eggs the kids would see him walking to get an egg and they would run to get it. Hopefully he will do better at the next egg hunt we go to!!
They had a balloon artist there and he was one of the best ones I have ever seen. I would like to have him come for Anthony's birthday party, I think the kids would love him.
Prayerfully yours,
Kelly |
I am with Anthony--use ALL the stickers :-) Looks like the kids had a great time! Sweetie Markie looks all tuckered out.